As we say goodbye to 2014 and our attention turns to the arrival of a new year, we may find ourselves thinking about what awaits us in 2015. For many of us, a big part of our New Year celebrations will include the consideration of what our goals are for the next year.

As we reflect on the past year and begin to think about aspects of our lives that we would like to change or improve, our New Year’s resolutions can help us to focus on what we would like to achieve, but they can be notoriously tricky to stick to. Here is our guide to making and achieving your New Year Resolutions.

  • Have a clear idea of what resolutions are most important to you: You may have a long list of changes that you would like to make. Prioritise them by considering which end goal is most important to you, and design your resolution(s) to achieve it. This method will help you to focus on the main goals without being distracted by the smaller (less impactful) ones.
  • Be realistic: Any lifestyle change is difficult and will require effort. Set yourself realistic goals and timelines to achieve these goals. Try not to worry about achieving all your goals at once. Changes often take time.
  • Write down a plan of action: By writing a step-by-step plan of how you will achieve your goal, you are essentially breaking down the process into smaller steps, which will make it easier to stay on track.
  • Review your progress: Always take the time to give yourself a pat on the back and don’t be too hard on yourself if you experience setbacks. This will help you to figure out what you find difficult about achieving your resolution and allows you to reflect on your approach.
  • Get support: The support of your friends, family, and loved ones can be a great tool in helping you to achieve your New Year Resolutions. We can offer you various therapies to help you too (Counselling, Psychotherapy, Coaching). There also also many fantastic online support communities on the web, but please avoid the ones that just make you feel bad about yourself.
  • Develop your resolutions further: Achieved your target weight? Managed to stop smoking? Dealt with your phobia? Great! But don’t stop there. If you’ve come this far, think about how much further you can go. As you begin to feel healthier and happier, now is a great time to think about what else you can do to improve your well-being.

Support to achieve your New Year Resolutions

At The Green Rooms, we can help you to work on your New Year Resolutions. Whether you would like to lose weight, be healthier, or improve your work-life balance or self-esteem, our services can help you to achieve your goals in 2015. Feel free to get in touch to arrange a free consultation.

Written by Jennifer McElroy, The Green Rooms Psychology Assistant