“When you explore your fears then you set yourself free.”
– Stephen Richards
Client Experiences
Thanks a million to Alison who has helped me get through the darkest time in my life. I never thought I would need counselling, but it has done me the world of good.
When my husband and I got married in 2007 I didn’t think we would ever drift apart. Then came along our beautiful children, who although they were a gift, caused us both huge stresses. We realised we needed couples counselling when we had done nothing but argue every day for what seemed forever. Alison worked with us to understand each other and make compromises. We now listen to each other, without feeling immediately defensive. We have a happy house again and the kids are noticeably more relaxed. I can’t ever thank her enough for her help, although she says that it was us who did all the hard work!
All I can say is WOW. Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy cured my fear of heights. Now there’s somthing I hadn’t even heard of never mind thought would cure me. As I knew I was safe in Alison’s office with her, I was able to take risks I would never would have in the real world. Using the VR headset really felt like I was up high. I gradually got used to it, and felt less and less of a physical reaction each time I did it. Alison talked me through my anxiety and explained what was happening in my body (adrenalin, etc) which helped me understand that my heart racing and feeling dizzy wasn’t going to hurt me. I can now take the glass lift in Princess Square (Glasgow) which I didn’t think I would be able to do in a million years. It really has changed my life.
Coaching was just the thing for me. My life was fine on the surface but was lacking in direction, and Coaching helped me find my way.
Des’s Big Drop
On 15th September 2023, Scottish Presenter and Comedian, Des Clarke, was challenged to abseil down the iconic Forth Rail Bridge, to raise money for the charity ‘Global’s Make Some Noise’.
He reluctantly agreed, and the date was set for 8th October, just 23 days later! The abseil was thereafter known as ‘Des’s Big Drop’.
What you may not know is that at the time, Des had a debilitating fear of heights, caused by traumatic childhood experiences.
During those 23 days, Des worked intensely with Alison Barr (Psychotherapist & Director of The Green Rooms), to overcome his fear.
Des was able to complete the abseil and raised over £6k for the charity!